

3 High Bar Back Squat @ 75%

Snatch Work


Snatch Pull + Below the knee snach pull + Low Hang snatch pull @25-30%
Snatch High Pull @80-100%
HH Full Snatch ALL @ 65%

Full Snatch starting at 70%. add 10/5# each set

Skill: 4RDS @100% Effort

120ft Sled Push 120# Guys push low bar/girls push high bar
Ring MUs 7/5

90sec rest b/w rounds

Partner WOD

50 handstand pushups
100 deadlifts 225/ 155
10 rope climbs
50 toes to bar
100 dumbell squat cleans 50/30
10 rope climbs
50 handstand pushups

Individual WOD
25 handstand pushups
50 deadlifts @225/155
5 rope climbs
25 toes to bar
50 dumbell squat cleans 50/30
5 rope climbs
25 handstand pushups 

CrossFit EaDo