Accesory Lifts: 5 x 1
Clean grip high pull @90-100%
Tempo Front Squat 5s down 3s pause 5s up @30-40%
Clean grip deadlift @100%-110%
High Hang Power Clean @80%
Jerk balance @30%
Clean and Jerk
Build to a heavy single
No fewer than 5 sets
3 X 120ft sled pull 155/105
Rest 2 mins
3 X 120 sled push
Team WOD:
MMF or FFM teams
800m run
50 synchronized pullups
*2 work while 1 rests
80 sumo deadlift high pulls @115/80#
50 synchronized kettle bell swings 70/53#
*2 work while 1 rests
80m (240ft) handstand walk
*each athlete must complete a minimum of 60ft and may not drop within 30ft incs
800m run
Individual WOD:
50 pullups
20 sumo deadlift high pull 115/80
50 Kb swings 70/53
120ft hs walk
800m run