EaDo Elite Main
Clean Complex:
1 power clean, 1 low hang squat clean, 1 squat clean
Start at 60% of 1 rm clean and add 10/5# every successful set rest 90 seconds between efforts
4 x
5 Tempo Front Squats 185/125 tempo=5 seconds down 5 seconds hold 1 second up
10 seated box jumps @42"/34"
Notes: banded pull throughs- tie a band to a pole walk the band out untill there is tension pulling you back. Face away from the pole in a wide stance then hinging at the hip with very slightly bent knees until you reach parallel. Extend your hips and squeez your butt to stand up.
5 Clean & Jerks 155/105#
10 Cal Assult Bike
15 Deadlifts
20 Pull-ups
Notes: Goal is 3 rounds +
100 Wall Ball Sit-ups
100 Supermans
EaDo Elite Regional Prep
Day 2 of 2016 Regionals run through
Jonathan Horton addressing questions from our athlete camp participants regarding handstand walking
Photo Credit: Morteza Safataj