EaDo Elite Main
Accesory Lifts: 5 x 1
Snatch pull resets between the first and second pull @80%
Snatch grip high pull @90-100%
Satts Press @30-40%
Snatch grip deadlift @100%-110%
High Hang Power Snatch @80%
Build to a heavy single
In no fewer than 5 sets
30ft, 60ft sprint
60 ft handstand walk
rest 2 mins
3 x
120ft sled pull @155/105
Partner WOD:
ARAMP in 16 mins
20 Chest to bar
20 Thrusters 115/75
20 Burpee Box jumps
20 Snatches 115/75
20 Toes to bar
Individual WOD:
5 rounds of Amrap in 3 mins
10 chest to bar pullups
10 thrusters 115/75
10 burpee box jump overs
10 snatches 115/75
10 toes to bar
30 second rest between 3 minute amraps
EaDo Elite Regional Prep:
Day 1 team events of 2016 regionals
Coach Jonathan Horton working with Carrie Sabo on refining her muscleup technique
Photo Credit: Morteza Safataj