EaDo Elite Main
6 x 1 Split Jerk @90%
3 x 2 Push Press @90%
3 x 4 Shoulder Press @80%
Notes: Focus on landing locked on the jerk
Every 30 seconds for 3 mins 4 weighted pullups @55/35#
Every 20 seconds for 2 minutes 3 weighted pullups @55/35#
30 Stirct toes to bar
3 x 1 hollow body slide max effot hold at the bottom
Notes: Pullups- goal is to complete all reps without hitting failure or loosing position.
Toes to bar- Try to hollow prior to bringing feet up
Hollow body slide- body is in a hollow plank position and feet slide back until athlete is as close to the ground as possible without releasing and without loosing hollow shape
15 minutes
150 double unders
70 wallball
40 Dumbell Snatches 70/50
20 Strict HSPU
Calorie Assault Bike in remaining time
Notes: Try to get 55 calories or more
Photo of Jonathan Horton and RJ Heflin coaching the muscleup during the EaDo Elite Athlete Camp
Photo Credit: Morteza Safataj