EaDo Elite Main
6 x 1 Split Jerk @82.5%
3 x 3 Push Press @82.5%
3 x 5 Shoulder Press @72.5%
Notes: Move with efficiency here and try to focus on landing with accuracy
Hand Stand Walk
5 rounds
60ft handstand walk
-90s rest between sets-
Notes: Focus on looking back behind you as you walk, tight core, feet together.
Front squats 225/155#
Burpee Box Jump Overs
- rest 2 mins -
Front squats 225/155#
Burpee Box Jump Overs
Goal: Goal of sub 9:00 including rest
EaDo Elite Regional Prep:
7 x 1 Clean @75%-85%
Front Squat:
5 x 5 @ 75% with a 2 second pause
Clean and Push Jerk:
5 x 3 starting @ 70%
Notes: No misses on the snatch, Snatch balance focus on landing locked and pressing up in the bottom with active shoulders
A. 3x
5/3 Strict Ring Muscle Ups
10/5 Ring Muscle Ups
B. 3 x
15 cal row @100%
25 Unbroken Wall balls 30/20# 10ft targer across the board
7 Rounds for Time:
5 Power Snatches 115/75#
30 ft Handstand Walk
5 Thrusters
For WOD, set up 2 bars, one for snatches, one for thrusters. Athlete must do the power snatches handstand walk 30ft over to thruster bar, going back and forth in this fashion
EaDo Elite Athlete Rhett Chase during the fittest games
Photo Credit: Sierra Prime