5 x 1
Power snatch @75%
Notes: working on a strong pull and being quick under the bar
12 min EMOM
1 full snatch @ 75% adding 5% every 2 mins
3 X 10 muscleup kipping swings focusing on a tight arch and hollow
3 X 3 muscleups to a transition with no press out
3 X 4 muscleups pushing away at the top and focusing on getting a tight schedule into a powerful kip
4 rounds Amrap in 3 mins 1 min rest between rounds:
Amrap 1:
25 wallballs 15 burpees 5 power cleans @185/125
Amrap 2:
15 wallballs 10 burpees 5 snatches @185/125
Amrap 3:
11 wallballs 8 burpees 5 clusters @185/125
Amrap 4:
9 wallballs 7 burpees 5 deadlifts 185/125
Post WOD:
20 min assault bike
EaDo Elite Athlete and Coach Shane Rojas
Photo Credit: Sierra Prime