

 From 8-4, Look up times and or feet completed and try forf more this go around:

200m sprint,
120ft HS walk for time
-rest 2 mins-
200m run,
120ft handstand walk-
2 min rest
200m run,
120ft handstand walk
2min rest
200m sprint
120ft handstand walk


Strict Press:

3x3 @80% of 1 rm
2x2 @85%
1x1 @87.5-92.5%
2x2 @85%
3x3 @80%

Split Jerk 7 x 1 @ 75% of 1 rm focusing on receiving fully locked out 


Every minute on the minute for as long as possible
10 deadlifts @225
12 pushups

when you fail rest 1 minute

Then for as long as possible
7 front Squats 135#
5 bar facing burpees 

 EaDo Elite athletes Cam and Lauren  Photo Credit: Sierra Prime 


EaDo Elite athletes Cam and Lauren 


Photo Credit: Sierra Prime 

CrossFit EaDo