

"Box Back Squat 18"" box
5 x 7
1. @ 82.5%
2. @85%
3. @87.5%
4. @90.%
5. @92.5%"



         EaDo Elite
  12 Days of Christmas

1. Bear Complex 205/145#
2. Free Standing HSPU
3. DB Snatch 100/70#
4. Pulls on rower under 1:25/1:35m
5. Weighted Pistols with 70/53# kb
6. Bar Muscle Ups
7. Push Jerks 205/145#
8. Free Standing Soulder Tap
9. KBs 70/53#
10. Burpee Chest to Bar
11. Deadlifts 205/145#
12. Ring Muscle Ups

Time Cap: 60 mins



CrossFit EaDo