10x1 Snatch Grip HP @ 110% of 1RM Full Snatch
10x1 Snatch Grip DL w bands @ 60% of 1RM
10x1 Snatch Balances starting @ 70%
10x1 Power Snatches @ 75-85%"
Ring Muscle Up Cycling:
0 - 3:00
3 MUs every 30s
3:00- 5:00
2 MUs every 20s
- then -
7 mins Triple Under Prectice
Teams of 2
800m row
10 Thrusters 135/95#
600m row
20 Thrusters
400m row
30 Thrusters
Work is split down the middle.
When 1 partenr rows the other partner will jump rope 75 double unders.
# of reps on the double unders stay the same on every row, as the goal
is to keep heart rate eleveated and shorten rest between the skip and
row as row distance decreses.
Individual Option
300m row
50 Double Unders
7 Thrusters 135/95#
300m row
50 DUs
14 Thrusters
300m row
50 DUs
21 Thrusters