Monday 10.26.15
A. Clean DL shrug
3x3 @75%
2 position clean
*1 clean 1 HH clean 5x1 @70%
B. Deadlift
2x4 at 70%
2x3 at 75%
1x2 at 80%
C. core work
Plank hold with 45/25 plate
*4 minutes. 1 on 1 off Med ball sit-ups with 50
A. Clean DL shrug
3x3 @75%
2 position clean
*1 clean 1 HH clean 5x1 @70%
B. Deadlift
2x4 at 70%
2x3 at 75%
1x2 at 80%
C. core work
Plank hold with 45/25 plate
*4 minutes. 1 on 1 off Med ball sit-ups with 50