Part A
Push Press
5 @70% of 1RM PP
4 @75%
3 @77.5%
2 @80%
Part B
Strict Press:
2x3 @80% of 1 rm
1x2 @85%
1x5 @77.5%
Partner WOD
For time:
100 C2B
3 Rounds:
10 Push Jerks 165/105
10 Front Rack Lunges
100 H.O push up
Part A
Push Press
5 @70% of 1RM PP
4 @75%
3 @77.5%
2 @80%
Part B
Strict Press:
2x3 @80% of 1 rm
1x2 @85%
1x5 @77.5%
Partner WOD
For time:
100 C2B
3 Rounds:
10 Push Jerks 165/105
10 Front Rack Lunges
100 H.O push up