EaDo Elite launches their new Cycle August 3rd 2015!
Move Better Move Faster
EaDo Elite launches their new Cycle August 3rd 2015!
EaDo Elite is starting their next cycle today! This cycle’s focus is on the productive application of strength. Our last cycle was centered around gaining strength. Which means hashtag gains are upon us! We will focus primarily on the Olympic Lifts as they produce more power and speed. Additionally, we intend to highlight high-skill gymnastic movements in two main ways:
1. Acquisition and repetition of movement - based on data collected from prior years, competitions, and Crossfit main site. Each week we will program a variant of a skill that is likely to come out at regionals or the Crossfit Games. For example, strict muscle ups, triple unders, strict handstand push-ups, back roll support, front and back up-rises etc.
2. Skill refinement under fatigue – movements that have come out with high frequency, will be trained under fatigue with an elevated heart rate. For example, handstand walks, legless and regular rope climbs, kipping handstand push-ups.
Our lifting cycle will be comprised of 3 styles of strength training:
1. “Wave” lifts – wave-style lifting with the slower less explosive lifts
2. Time sensitive lifts – EMOM style lifting with Olympic lifts
3. Barbell Efficiency - Lifts done for max reps in a given period of time
Our secondary goal is to maintain the strength adaptations that were gained in the previous cycle. We strive to give our athletes the best environment to excel at he most efficient rate possible. Among our 40 athletes, in the last 12 week cycle we had two of our top athletes improve their snatch over 10%, and many experienced significant all-round improvement. This is a testament to our, motto of “Mechanics and efficiency over everything”. Simple put, if you move better, you become more efficient. Therefore, your line of action is quicker, meaning you move faster. Additionally, if you move well you will increase the likelihood of your longevity in the sport. This increases your likelihood of success, because the more training time you have, the more well equipped you are to deal with the riggers of competition. Case and point, 2015 Crossfit Games Champ - Ben Smith, an athlete who has been to the games seven times, has experienced very few injuries, and moves very well. This years Crossfit Games was a grueling test, and Ben Smith’s mechanics and experience were a big factor in him winning. #movebettermovefaster
Please feel free to leave any comments, questions or memes.
Follow us in Instagram #eadoelite and tune into our live feed to watch EaDo Elite training secessions at 4:30 and 6pm
Program Directors,
- Connor Martin, Shane Rojas