Starting Crossfit was a very slow process for me. I went once a week to Crossfit Point Break in Spring, TX with some guys I knew who now own Skyline Crossfit. An actual sentence that came out of my mouth was, “I’m not going to do exercise classes regularly”. What an idiot. Once my friends opened Skyline Crossfit in Houston I became a member and was hooked. I’ve competed in sports my whole life and I had just finished my collegiate baseball career so Crossfit for me was a way to fill that void.
I did my first open at Skyline and was immediately hungry for more. Even after seven minutes of burpees. I couldn’t wait for the following season to try and prove myself further. After my first open I decided to bounce around a bit check out some other gyms. The first gym I tried was Crossfit Eado and that’s where I stuck.
I was very fortunate to meet a group of athletes from the very beginning that had the same goals, were willing to put in the work and push each other to be better every day. As a result, Crossfit Eado has qualified a regional team three consecutive years. Something I have been lucky to be a part of and contribute to each year. This was the main goal for us. As you achieve your goals it’s necessary to set new ones. Which we have. Each year we’ve been gotten better and added some amazing athletes along the way. 2016 is poised to be our best year yet.
After the 2013 Regionals, I was named team captain going forward. We all have jobs and this is something we do after work (or at 1pm during work, sorry guys) for fun, to relieve stress and to hang out with friends etc. Crossfit is secondary for most people so leading by example is the best way to get people to follow. My goal is to be ready for regionals/games. If you want to go, myself and every one dedicated to this goal will show you how to get there. It’s also important for me to help the overall direction of the competition class. The entire gym has eyes on us which means we need to set the standard.
For people looking to compete at a high level I would tell them to be set goals, be patient and know what it takes to get there. Have FUN. “It’s not about finishing first in one workout on a certain day. Greatness is achieved through the unrelenting struggle over the course of days, weeks, months and years, of constantly striving to improve. After all your struggle, maybe one day will the opportunity to be great will fall upon you. On that day, at that time, will you be ready?” This is a quote that really resonates with me from the world’s fittest man, Ben Smith. After doing Crossfit for four years I can tell you there is no instant gratification, you have to put in the work to get the reward.
Thank you to everyone that has been a part of my journey up to this point. It means more to me than you know.
~Greg Gossett is the co-owner of Below Parallel. He is a former collegiate Baseball player and a three time regional athlete.
Photo Credit: Sierra Prime