Skill A.
4 rounds in 3:00
row 250m
in remaining time max distance handstandwalk
12 minute EMOM
2 clean and jerks @50%
3 x 3 pause front squats @80% 2 second pause
1 set of 10 tempo front squats @ 65% (5 seconds down, 5 second pause, 1 second up and then immediately back down)
The clean and jerks are intentionally very light so we can work on positioning, focus on dailing any bad habbits that you gained toward the end of the previous cycle on the heavier loads.
Skill B
15 strict muscleups in as few sets as possible
6 rounds
3 minute amrap
12 dumbell thrusters @45#/30#
24 mountain climbers
1 minute rest between amraps
Goal is 10 plus rounds