

Accesory Lifts: 5 x 1

Clean grip high pull @90-100%
Tempo Front Squat 5s down 3s pause 5s up @30-40%
Clean grip deadlift @100%-110%
High Hang Power Clean @80%
Jerk balance @30%

Clean and Jerk

Build to a heavy single
No fewer than 5 sets


3 rounds
200m sprint
10 box jump overs @24/20


Teams of 3

125 push jerks @115/80#
90 GHD situps (one athlete hangs other rests)
9 legless rope climbs
90 handstand pushups (one athlete holds handstand other rests)
125 power cleans @115/80

Individual option

2 rounds for time
25 thrusters @135/95
30 GHD Situps
3 legless rope climbs
30 handstand pushups
25 power cleans @135/95


CrossFit EaDo