EaDo Elite Main
3 x 8 bench press @65-70% of 1 rm
then 1 max set @ 135/95
1 max set @ empty bar
4 sets of
4 front squats @80% with 2 second pause in the bottom
10 banded pull throughs
For time complete:
Run 400m
50 box jumps
400m run
40 pullups
400m run
30 Sumo deadlift high pulls @135/95
400m run
20 push jerks @135/95
EaDo Elite Regional Prep
Snatch Work:
-Snatch Drop
-Heaving snatch balance
-Snatch Balance
-Angle Drops
**weight range 35-95#, except for the snatch balance; build to a heavy single**
90 seconds each to establish a 2 rm hang snatch
-6 x 1 min to do a 1 rm snatch
**go through one athlete at a time**
Synchronized work:
3 x
10 partner Deadlifts 315# *DLs are not syncro**
10 thrusters 75/55#
10 power snatches
Change partners every round
For time:
Teams of 3 guy/ guy/girl and then girl/ girl / guy
75 Power snatches @135/95
150 toes to bar
240ft handstand walk