Deadlift @72.5%
3 x 8
1 x 10
Notes: All reps should be smooth
Unbroken sets of double unders
-rest as needed between sets-
Take 10 minutes to focua on muscleup transition work
Handstand walk but focus on hollow body position
Notes: You get 2 attempts at any one rep scheme, goal is to get them done unbroken but also effieciently so focus on a tight position without allowing your arms to float or your body to pike in any way
27 Thrusters @115/75
27 Toes to bar
21 Thrusters
21 Toes to bar
15 Thrusters
15 Toes to bar
9 Thrusters
9 Toes to bar
Goal: is sub 8 mins
EMOM 12 mins
Start at 70% add 2.5% every 2 mins
1 Snatch grip high pull + 1 Snatch
Immediately into
1 snatch @90%
1 snatch@ 92.5%
1 snatch @95%
fot time
5 x 1 Snatch Balance @80-90% of 1 rm OHS
A. 4 x 120ft sled push @165/105
B. 3 rounds for time
15 burpees
12/9 strict HSPU
8 rounds
8 calorie Airdyne sprint
2/1 legless rope climb
30 foot handstand walk
rest 1 min
Photo Credit: Sierra Prime