
EaDo Elite Main 


Jerk Complex

1 Push Press, 1 Push Jerk, 1 Split Jerk

If 1rm is under 275/ 160 start at

Add 10/5 each succesful set

If 1rm is under 300/ 175 start at

Add 10/5 each succesful set

If 1rm is over 300/ 175 start at

Add 10/5 each succesful set


4 rounds
5 front squats @80%
200m sprint

rest 2 mins between rounds


Amrap 10 mins
6 triple unders
8 Sumo deadlift high pulls 135/95
16 handstand pushups 

EaDo Elite Regional Prep

5 sets of 3 Backsquat
1. 75%
2. 80%
3. 85%
4. 87.5%
5. 90%


6 x 1 min to do a 1 rm snatch go through one athlete at a time


Team of 3- team 1 is 2 guys 1 girl, team 2 is two girls 1 guy
First 3 go then once they compete the whole thing the next 3 go

100 hang to overhead 95/65 (split work)
60 foot handstand walk (each)
100 double unders (same time)
60 foot handstand walk (each)
100 hang to overhead 95/65 (split work)

WOD 2: 

Swim training

4 x 100m
6 x 50m
8 x 25m

1:1 work rest 

 EaDo Elite Athletes during girls gone RX this past October


EaDo Elite Athletes during girls gone RX this past October

CrossFit EaDo