

10x1 Deficit Clean DL standing on band @ 80% of 1RM Full Clean
10x1 Clean High Pull @ 80% of 1RM
7x3 High Hang Squat Cleans @ 70%
7x3 Power Cleans @ 75-85%



200m sprint, 120ft HS walk for time -rest 2 mins-
200m sprint, 120ft handstand walk- 2 min rest
200m sprint, 120ft handstand walk 2min rest
200m sprint 120ft handstand walk



Partner WOD: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off

Amrap in 15 mins
40 Toes to bar
80 Double Unders
40 Pistols
80 Thrusters 53/35 Kb's

Individual Option
12 min Amrap
20 Toes to bar
40 double unders
20 pistol Squats
40 Kb Thrusters

CrossFit EaDo