Back Squat
4 x 3
1. @80%
2. @82.5%
3. @85%
4. @87.5%
Barbell Cycling:
7 thrusters every 30 seconds @75#/55 for 4 mins
Notes: Work on breathing through the rep and pulling the bar back down, target pace if appx 15 seconds per round
Posterior Chain:
3 x
10 bent over rows 135/95
10 single leg KB deadlifts
10 bulgarian split squats @35, 20
5 good morning squats 135/95
45 snatches @115/75 for time
Notes: Goal is to take as few breaks as possible
Post WOD:
4 Rounds
15 Box Junmps
- rest 1min b/w rounds-
Notes: Reps for speed, rebound. Learn to listen to your body.