Power Clean EMOM16
0:00 - 6:00
2 Power Cleans @ 75%
6:00 - 12:00
2 Power Cleans @ 77.5%
12:00 - 16:00
2 Power Cleans @ 80%
Skill/ Gymnastics Endurance:
Every 30s for 2 mins
8 Pull-ups
- then-
Every 20s for 2 mins
8 pull-ups
-rest 2 mins-
Every 30s for 2 mins
5 Burpees
Every 20s for 2 mins
5 Burpees
6 Rope Climbs - rest 10s every 2 rope climbs
30 KBs 70/53# - rest 10s every 15 KBs
30 Box Jumps - rest 10s every 15 Box Jumps
Notes: The goal is to ONLY rest in the assigned rest slots. Get used to moving throughout the entire workout at the same pace.
Post WOD:
Row or Assult Bike for 15mins at 70%