South Lawn

If you live in South Lawn, TX, you can find flights to nearby cities using our city finder. These larger cities are closer to South Lawn, so if you need to fly to a larger city, you can look for flights to that airport. There are also some cities that are only a short drive away from South Lawn.

South Lawn real estate consists primarily of small and medium-sized homes. Most of these homes are owner-occupied. They are mostly built between 1940 and 1969, but some were built later. The median listing home in South Lawn is $450K. Currently, there are 170 homes for sale in the area. Visit out home page.

If you have a substance abuse problem, the first step is determining what type of substance abuse is present. This can be a complicated process. Finding the right resources can take a lot of time and effort. You can find a local substance abuse assessment center in South Lawn or one of the nearby cities by calling their local office.

South Lawn Elementary School is a school in the Houston, TX school district. The school has a B accountability rating. Forty-four percent of its students were considered at-risk for dropping out of school. Moreover, 5.2% of the school's students were enrolled in bilingual or English language learning programs. The coronavirus pandemic in Texas has lowered the accountability ratings for the school for the 2020-2021 school year. The average teacher has 10.1 years of experience.

South Lawn is a diverse neighborhood with more Iranian-American residents than any other neighborhood in the country. The majority of South Lawn residents are middle or upper-income, which makes it a safe place to raise a family. It is a neighborhood where neighbors play an important role in shaping the culture. Next article here.